Get To Know Me, Not My ED


Introducing Get to Know Me, Not My Eating Disorder, a revolutionary resource guide designed specifically for patients in hospital or care in the community. Our goal is simple: to ease the burden on individuals struggling with eating disorders so they no longer have to repeat their painful stories time and time again. Picture this – instead of reliving their traumas, patients can now focus on healing, growth, and building meaningful connections.


Introducing Get to Know Me, Not My Eating Disorder, a revolutionary resource guide designed specifically for patients in hospital or care in the community. Our goal is simple: to ease the burden on individuals struggling with eating disorders so they no longer have to repeat their painful stories time and time again. Picture this – instead of reliving their traumas, patients can now focus on healing, growth, and building meaningful connections.

With Get to Know Me, Not My Eating Disorder, patients will have access to a comprehensive resource that shares vital information about them without highlighting their disorder. This guide goes beyond basic medical history; it delves into personal interests, hobbies, talents – everything that makes them unique individuals. Imagine nurses and caregivers approaching each patient armed with knowledge about their favorite sports team or cherished childhood memories! Patients will feel seen and valued as more than just the struggles they face.

This invaluable tool brings hope by fostering understanding and empathy among caregivers and fellow patients alike. No longer confined by the repetitive cycle of recounting painful experiences related to their eating disorder, individuals can redirect precious energy towards recovery.


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